Monday, September 22, 2008

Olympians at Texas vs. Rice game

Ricky and 17 other UT Olympians were celebrated at yesterday's Texas vs. Rice game. I've just added some photos of Ricky taken by Saiqa to the Gallery.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Austin to celebrate local Olympians

From News 8 Austin
A handful of athletes including gold medal winners will be part of the procession next week.

The already confirmed athletes, gold-medal-winning swimmers Ricky Berens, Kathleen Hersey and Dave Walters will attend the event.

The city asks anyone who attends to wear red, white and blue.

The event will kick off at 7 p.m. next Friday at Republic Square park, and the procession will head east on 4th Street and then north on Congress to the State Capitol.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

New fan art and old videos

Michelle from Brendan Hansen Online sent in these fabulous icons and wallpaper.

Here's a FloSwimming video from before Olympic Trials.